Runner Beans in a Five Star Polytunnel
For the second year running we decided to try growing runner beans in the polytunnel. Last year we grew a few plants as a trial, this year we have done a few more In past years on a different site it had been very successful but we could no longer get hold of the variety we were using so had given up trying. However, after a few years of fairly unsuccessful crops outside due to our site being very windy site and exposed we decided to give it another try. We chose a variety from Real Seeds called Czar. Seeds were sown in mid march in 9cm pots and kept heated at 25 degrees and planted in the tunnel in mid April, where they were protected from frosts whenever it was needed. We have now been picking runner beans from the polytunnel for about 2 weeks. We are still growing a crop outside which we will harvest alongside or after the indoor crop, depending on timing.